Risk and opportunity management for Kestrel is to provide business resilience; protection from loss and sustainability of things we value, including people, community, stakeholders, environment, ongoing operation and business viability to prosperity.
Tailings management
We are committed to responsible management of our tailings facilities to prevent adverse impacts to people and our environment.
Modern Slavery & human rights
We act in accordance with the UN guiding principles on business and human rights and the modern slavery act 2018 (Cth).
Anti-bribery and corruption
We are committed to providing a workplace which fosters mutual respect, honesty and trusting working relationships.
Code of Conduct and Whistleblower
Everyone has the right to a fair and inclusive working environment of which they are proud to be part of. We are committed to a culture of respect and ethical conduct in the way we work and relate to each other. We recognise the value of keeping the laws and procedures that apply to us in our work and encourage everyone to report misconduct.